what is your joy and your happy? some of mine: a good cup of coffee and the time to enjoy it. a great book. dancing. nice shoes and other things too.
i want to share a happy joy secret: james baraz's 5-week happiness course about awakening joy. james is a respected buddhist teacher. the course is in person if you live in berkeley, ca or online if you don't. you get a joy buddy. you sing. you receive lessons about mindfulness and ways to cultivate the joy and resilience that is already inside of you.
james has a book about happiness ("awakening joy"). but before he did, i took a day-long workshop with him and he recommended another wonderful book about happiness that you should read. it is called "how we choose to be happy: the 9 choices of extremely happy people--their secrets, their stories" by rick foster.
studying happiness does not imply that sadness or other less pleasant emotions should be ignored, minimized or transcended. cultivating what is strong, beautiful, solid and joyful in you helps to build your capacity to weather the difficult emotional moments. we want to turn up the volume on happy and influence your wiring. questions or comments? i am glad to hear from you.
i want to share a happy joy secret: james baraz's 5-week happiness course about awakening joy. james is a respected buddhist teacher. the course is in person if you live in berkeley, ca or online if you don't. you get a joy buddy. you sing. you receive lessons about mindfulness and ways to cultivate the joy and resilience that is already inside of you.
james has a book about happiness ("awakening joy"). but before he did, i took a day-long workshop with him and he recommended another wonderful book about happiness that you should read. it is called "how we choose to be happy: the 9 choices of extremely happy people--their secrets, their stories" by rick foster.
studying happiness does not imply that sadness or other less pleasant emotions should be ignored, minimized or transcended. cultivating what is strong, beautiful, solid and joyful in you helps to build your capacity to weather the difficult emotional moments. we want to turn up the volume on happy and influence your wiring. questions or comments? i am glad to hear from you.